Thursday, 17 October 2013

* 城市规划放映会


怡保17日讯社政联思智囊团(PROSPECT)于昨日傍晚7时正在其总部举办了一场私人放映会,播放著名独立纪录片导演格利哈特斯维Gary Hustwit)的作品《城市化》。出席嘉宾包括槟城大山脚国会议员沈志强与其助理。









Monday, 14 October 2013

* Private Screening of "URBANIZED"

The People’s Research Organisation for Social Political Engagement and Collaborative Thinking (PROSPECT) cordially invites you to a private screening of feature length documentary by the award winning director Gary Hustwit, Urbanized, on the 16th of October 2013, 7pm at

12 Jalan Prince, Pasir Pinji, 31650 Ipoh Perak.
Over half the world’s population now live in urban areas, and 75% will call a city home by 2050. But while some cities are experiencing explosive growth, others are shrinking.

The challenges of balancing housing, mobility, public transit, civic engagement, economic development, environmental policy, walkability and cyclability are fast becoming universal concerns. Yet much of the dialogue on these issues are disconnected from the public domain.

Who is allowed to shape our cities, and how do they do it?

Urbanized is a feature-length documentary about the design of cities, which looks at the issues and strategies behind urban design, featuring some of the world’s foremost architects, planners, policymakers, builders, and thinkers.

Sunday, 13 October 2013

* Beyond Ketupat & Kimchi

The value of the arts extends beyond the direct economic impact. The key reasons cited by residents for loving their cities were entertainment and social offerings, how welcoming the city is and its aesthetics — in other words, the arts and culture.
An arts festival “Beyond Ketupat & Kimchi” was held on 10-Oct at Performing Arts Centre of Penang and on 12-Oct at Ipoh Town Hall, in collaboration with patrons of Malaysian visual artists, talented performing artists with International Standard Korean Traditional Dance and music performances, in celebration of cultural inheritance.
Penang Chief Minister, Lim Guan Eng & wife came to show their support for the celebration of cultures by officiating the festival at Penang.
The event was jointly organised by Perak PROSPECT (People's Research Organisation for Social Political Engagement & Collaboration Thinking) and The Brain Truster (Branding Company). 

Prospect's chief executive officer Howard Lee said the purpose of organizing the event was to create awareness for cultural heritage preservation. The cultural exchange also proved that Ipoh is also a venue for cultural events, especially with the presence of the Korean 
dancers to perform in the city.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

* Demands the Immediate Resignation of Zahid Hamidi

Media Statement by YB Howard Lee CHuan How, State Secretary for DAPSY Perak and also State Legislative Assemblyperson for Pasir Pinji on this 9th of October 2013 in Ipoh.

I as its secretary, representing DAPSY Perak would like to hereby call for the immediate resignation of Home Minister Zahid Hamidi, as not only has he made statements that clearly indicates his racist tendencies, he has displayed behavioural traits that are befitting of a gangster leader.

It is a shame that the spirit of one-upmanship so spectacularly demonstrated by one UMNO Home minister after another, is seen only in the arena of debacles, wrongdoings and controversies, and not in making the country safer from crime. From the arrest of a journalist with the excuse of ensuring her safety by Syed Hamid Albar, to Hishamuddin Hussein’s laughable accusations of Anwar Ibrahim being a CIA agent. Now, eager to endorse the brand of racist politics UMNO delegates love so dearly, the current fool of a home minister is playing to the gallery in full make-up and costumes to boot.From the use of language, it is also apparent that our Home minister is a self-aggrandising, self-centred and self-serving individual whose every move is designed to fulfil his own political agenda, through the guise of serving some perverted version of greater good. For example, to show to UMNO delegates that he possesses more between the legs and is tough-er and on crime than his predecessors, whilst not forgetting to be the most racist. He does so by painting the picture of the recent PCA amendments were the sole efforts of his (undang-undang saya) to help the police in protecting the Malay community from vices and illegal activities made rife only by non malays.

Please remember Home Minister, crime distinguish neither creed nor colour! Or is that too far against your UMNO grains to acknowledge?

Monday, 7 October 2013

* 不分政党,为民服务






* 九皇爺诞


我的答案- :多的确是多。。。但还不够。要的一到初九晚晚去一间才算够!





